Author: Rysler
Date: 02/01/05
Pairing: Jack/Janet/Sam
Rating: NC17
Category: PWP, First Time
Summary: Jack and Janet were drunk enough to think inviting Sam to a threesome was a good idea.
Notes: Written for geonncannon, because he's been a good boy. Thanks to
thenewhope for typo-hunting.
* * *
We were drunk--That's how it started. We were too drunk, and we were fishing.
Well, Cassandra was fishing. Jack was shouting pointers from his deck chair in between mouthfuls of beer. I was on my fourth gin and tonic. A bottle of gin, a jug of quinine, and a basket of limes were at my feet. Quinine was a traditional cure-all for us medical types. And Cassandra liked using lime innards as bait.
We'd been discussing who on the base was the hottest--that's what responsible military adults do. Jack and I had discussed our mutual fascination with Teal'c in embarrassing detail, but one name hadn't been mentioned--a blonde, blue-eyed, legs-up-to-her-neck name--and I decided to play the card.
"What about Sam?"
Jack glanced at me, and then back at the pink fading sunlight. "Aw, Janet."
"Come on. I promise, no jealousy. I want to know."
He shrugged.
"Who else would you trust?" I pressed him.
He watched Cassandra reel in an empty hook. "Beside my friendly local physician?" He sighed. "From the first time I saw Carter--I mean, from the first moment--it was like a whole 'nother universe opened up. Parallel world, through the Stargate, a woman like her... With that damn, cheeky smile... She made me feel alive. And I hadn't in years. But--"
I cut him off before he could start celebrating how he'd settled for me. "So you've imagined being with her?"
Jack--I swear--the man actually blushed. I took another sip of gin. The sweetness coated my mouth and made my next words slide out easily. "Have you ever imagined me with her?"
He dropped his beer. The bottle clattered onto the dock and rolled. We helplessly watched it tip off the side and splash into the pond.
Cassandra looked over at us, assessed that we weren't arguing or killing each other, and went back to fishing. Girl could concentrate.
Jack wet his lips. "Have you?"
"Well, you have to admit..."
The sun had gone, leaving us in a grey twilight. In fifteen minutes, we'd be cold. Jack opened another beer. I sucked on a lime. "So, want to?"
I saw the bottle tremble in his hand, but he managed to grip it with only minimal spillage. "She isn't going to just--"
"Twenty bucks."
"Twenty bucks and a blow job," he said.
"Jack, I give you--"
"In uniform."
I sighed. "It'll ruin my stockings."
"Your idea."
" One at a time, or together?"
"I think together is better," I said.
He rubbed his chin. "Probably." I could see him calculating, plotting already. He was always the soldier. "Janet," he said. He was watching Cassandra. "I don't want to fuck up--"
"'Vermont Avenue.' Either of us says it, no questions asked, we walk away."
"That is the stupidest safe word I have ever heard."
I was impressed that he knew what a safe word was. I'd never required one when he had me bent over the kitchen counter and--The gin was making me flush.
"Deal," he said.
Cassandra grunted. She was struggling to pull the fishing rod, which was bending under the weight of something. Jack leaned forward eagerly. Cassandra leaned over the edge of the dock and yanked up a mud-covered shoe. She turned to us. "Look, I caught something," she said dryly.
"Good girl," Jack called. "Now throw it back before it suffocates."
She did so. "This planet is boring."
* * *
In the morning, sober, I'd nervously considered forgetting all about my silly little plot, if Jack pretended amnesia. But he rolled over on top of me. "I want to fuck Carter," he'd said, right before he fucked me.
* * *
We were all half-drunk, this time at the Yukon Tavern. Soldiers drink. Soldiers drink hard, and fight hard, and die like balloons'd pop under a spray of bullets. Soldiers drink to forget about death. Or screw like weasels, hard-coded to believe the act of procreation staves off the inevitable.
Sam was next to me on a barstool, chewing on the stem of a cherry. Her face was pink from the beer and a half she'd drunk. Scientists didn't believe much in alcohol--it numbed the senses--scientists believed in speed. She glanced at me, shyly, and then grinned.
"You're thinking about your lab, aren't you?" I ventured. "How much you'd like to be there right now."
She shrugged. "I'm thinking about how much I shouldn't be thinking about my lab. How I should enjoy being out with you and the Colonel, and how fun this is. I just can't seem to relax. I mean, I had plans for tonight…" She looked intently at me, but she was also deliberately not looking at Jack.
Have another beer, I thought about suggesting. I placed my hand on her thigh. "You can relax with me."
"I know." She covered my hand with hers. "You've seen me at my worst. You're--" Her words were starting to slur, "The one."
I'm sure she meant to say, "The only one," or something equally generic, but my heard began beating faster. Sam's vulnerability showed as she avoided my eyes. She picked up her beer glass with her free hand and finished it off.
Her vulnerability was what separated her from the others--When she looked at me, emotions naked on her face, and took responsibility for all of the sins of the Stargate… In the last year I'd held her, tried to heal her, and fell in love with the strength she was afraid of having. I'm sure it was awe-struck, platonic love I felt, pure love that made me feel warm whenever she smiled at me, and crushing whenever she smiled at Jack.
God knew what I was going to do with her once I got her into bed. Clinging to her forever wasn't going to win me twenty bucks. My hand was rubbing circles on her thigh. I pressed my own knees together to encourage my clitoris to stop pounding. We were in a tavern, for crying out loud.
"I have to pee," Sam said, and slid off the barstool.
I stood. "I could use a freshening up."
She grinned at me. Over her shoulder I saw Jack mouth at me, "Together." I winked at him, linked arms with Sam, and headed toward the Yukon ladies room. Sam did her thing. I applied medicated raspberry lip balm. When she was washing her hands, I offered, "Chapstick?"
"Thanks." She took the tube from me and leaned toward the mirror. She puckered her lips and smeared them with fruity wax.
I stared at her. "Sam."
"Hm?" She pursed her lips.
I checked the bathroom for other occupants. We were alone--a benefit of being about 5% of the local military population. I wondered idly if the men's room had a line. "Are you seeing anyone, Sam?" I tried to focus.
She blinked. "No."
Would you like to?
Funny, cause I'm seeing someone right in front of me.
Christ. Why did I listen to Jack? Why the hell was I sleeping with him?
"Sam, sometimes, for women on the base, it can get lonely..."
"We have to stick together." I glanced at the door. Would she bolt? "Sam... Would you like to come over tonight?"
She turned back to the sink. "Damn." She laughed. "How much have I had to drink? It hasn't been that much…"
Enough? I placed my hand on her back.
"I--I've thought about it," Sam told her reflection. "I came out with you tonight, because, well, I've thought about it." My eyes widened at her confession--that she'd thought about it as recently as today. "We're close," she continued. "And with Cassie, it would just be a natural extension of... But…"
"There's Jack."
She exhaled. "He drives me crazy. I couldn't decide--which path to take to jeopardize my career." She laughed again. "And then it was too late. You two had each other."
"But..." I licked my lips. Raspberry. "We both want you."
Sam breathed.
Her eyes found mine in the mirror.
I nodded.
She turned around. We stood chest to chest, sort of, as she towered over me. "Tonight," I said, hesitating on the promise. "And then we don't have to speak of it again."
"I think I'm drunk enough." She grinned. The expression crinkled the corners of her eyes. She cupped my chin. I pushed against her hands, surprised by how good her touch felt as she caressed my cheeks with the tips of her fingers. Sam leaned forward. "What will we do tomorrow?"
I could feel her breath against my lips. "Ask me tomorrow," I said. She kissed me. Her lips felt incredibly soft against my mouth. I increased the pressure, wanting more. Her hands slipped from my jaw to my hair, so I was trapped between her mouth and her fingers. She massaged my scalp. I purred against her lips.
When she captured my upper lip between hers and tugged, I moaned into her mouth. I didn't tell her she was the first woman I'd ever kissed. I didn't tell her how much I had loved her from the very beginning. I just let Sam kiss me. She bit gently into my lip. I wrapped my arms around her waist and hugged her. Her body heat touched me in all the right places and her kisses were making me heady. I was moments away from fainting on the bathroom floor and hoping she'd take the hint when she drew back from the kiss.
I looked up to see saliva on her lips. Her gaze seemed hazy. She blinked at me. "Did you say something about Colonel O'Neill?"
"He would like--" I ran my hands down her hips and then stepped back. "I would like--for him to join us."
Sam gave me a sheepish smile. "Does he know we're kissing in the ladies room?"
"He's hoping." I offered my hand. She took it and I could feel sweat on her fingers. Was she nervous? Aroused?
Jack's gaze found us as soon as we stepped into the main tavern. Damn perception. It was like he was special ops, or something. I saw him mouth "Check, please," at the bartender. Sam clung to my hand. We sauntered over, rakish and tousled, but looking just like any other women who'd emerge in packs from the bathroom at a social gathering. For good measure, I leaned on my tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek when we reached his side. His five-o'clock shadow tickled my lips.
He paid the check. "Ready, ladies?" He was playing it suave. Like this kind of anticipation happened all the time. I bet he wasn't even hard yet. Damned black ops. Sam moved her hand to my shoulder. I guess that was easier for her, given our heights. Jack reached out and tucked a stray hair behind my ear.
* * *
We piled into the front cab of Jack's truck. I was sandwiched between them. Their thighs and shoulders pressed against either side of me, and I felt warm and light-headed. I stopped resisting. My right hand was on Sam's thigh, held chastely by her fingers, which stroked and rubbed mine until my whole arm tingled. My left hand started on Jack's thigh, but free from nervous energy on his part, it roved, following the inner seam of his jeans to his crotch. He was half-hard when I cupped him, and he glanced at me. "You haven't won yet."
I grinned.
Sam leaned over me, toward Jack. "My house."
"Why?" I asked the question directly into her ear, and she lurched away from me. I winced.
"You guys," she said. "Your homes are… yours. I'd feel more comfortable if I wasn't intruding on that."
"Sam--" I started, but Jack cut me off.
"Okay." He took the next left.
* * *
We stood awkwardly in Sam's kitchen. She didn't use her living room for much. The kitchen was where we'd all spent the most time. Still, it was weird to be in her kitchen with the intent of having sex, rather than coffee. Sam had offered us coffee. We'd declined.
Sam looked at Jack quickly, and then back at me. "We kissed earlier," she said. "You didn't get to see it."
Jack folded his arms. "No, I did not."
I smiled. Sam peeked at me from under her tousled hair. "Have you ever thought about me kissing another woman, Jack?"
"No." He grunted. "Thought you were too classy for that sort of thing."
I offered my hands to Sam. She grabbed them and stepped toward me, dipping to kiss me. Our lips met chastely, more bumping up against each other as we laughed than a true kiss. She swung our arms.
"Okay, again," Jack said. "But with gusto!" How could he remain so level-headed? Just touching Sam's hands aroused me, and being close enough to smell her was making me dizzy.
Sam's lips brushed mine, hesitated, and returned, moving with gentle pressure against my mouth. I closed my eyes and pulled back. "If you're going to kiss me with gusto," I said, catching my breath, "I need to sit down."
"I have a bedroom," Sam suggested. Sam was wonderful.
Sam grinned at Jack over my shoulder, and then tugged on my hand and led me down the hall to her bedroom. I don't know what we would have done if there had been stairs involved, though I'm sure Jack would have offered to carry us slung over his shoulders. Sam sat on the edge of her bed, so our heads were now level, and puckered her lips.
I laughed. Jack walked past me and threw himself into an armchair. He propped his feet up on the bed, and crossed them at the ankles. "Gusto!"
I reached out with one hand and stroked Sam's temple, pushing her hair away from her face and running my fingers through the strands. Her expression was open--She was completely ready for anything we were going to do with her. She wore the same expression whenever she came through the 'gate injured and I had to save her life, instead of crying at the sight of her.
"I lo--" escaped from my lips before I choked on the words, slid my hand to her shoulder, and kissed her. Of our three kisses, this is the first where I took control, coaxing her mouth open, slipping my tongue along her lower lip. She was still soft, and now yielding. Her submission was intoxicating, and I pushed it further, running my tongue over her teeth, finding the heat of her mouth. Her tongue tentatively brushed mine.
I heard a strangled moan. I thought it was from Sam's throat but she pulled back from the kiss, her lips swollen and her cheeks flushed, and looked over at Jack. I turned my head, and he was still sitting in the armchair, but his boots and socks were off. I blinked.
Jack winked. I stepped back as Sam stood from the couch and walked over to him. She straddled him. His hands held her hips. I took her place on the bed, and had a perfect view of her ass, thrust in my direction, and her back arching, and the set of her shoulders. My lips parted.
"Colonel," she said, running her hand down his chest. "I always--"
I couldn't hear her next words, but I heard him groan. "Call me--Hell, Carter, call me whatever you want."
She laughed and settled onto his thighs. I took off my own shoes while she started unbuttoning his shirt. "I like this shirt," she said, as she pulled it apart, revealing his bare chest. Sam slid her hands over him, stroking him from collar bone to rib cage.
"Janet likes me in plaid," he said. His voice was hoarse--No bravado now. I smirked. I was aroused, had been wet since we hatched this plan, but seeing Sam so focused on Jack made me jealous.
I felt a hot anger start in my stomach as she leaned in and kissed his neck. "Janet," she said, biting at his throat, "Has excellent taste in men." Whether it was the anger or the flattery, I moved toward them. Standing behind Sam, I tugged her shirt free of her jeans and slid my hands along her back. She shivered.
Jack grinned at me. I traced Sam's side and stroked her belly, so he could see my hand moving under her shirt. I saw Jack bite his lip. Sam twisted, pulling away from me, curling up against Jack. "Janet. Take off your clothes," she said, as she pushed her hips into Jack's crotch.
"What?" I would rather have watched Sam and Jack, the two people I loved and wanted and found beautiful, wriggle against each other, than undress in front of them. Their attractiveness factor doubled when they were together, and I was just one woman. One woman with more of a curve to her stomach than either of them, and not much of a chest to show.
Sam met my eyes. She wasn't going to laugh. "Please?"
I looked at Jack for the same assurance. He rested his cheek against Sam's hair. He was enjoying the moment. I supposed I should, too. It was my moment. I bent my knee and settled my foot at Jack's knee. "Sam, help me with my nylons."
She grinned. She cupped my calf with one hand, and fiddled with the garter buckle with the other. She caressed my muscle. "Why are you wearing stockings?"
"That's what a girl wears with a skirt," I said.
Sam rolled the nylon down my leg, and I lifted my foot when she got to my ankle. She tossed it towards Jack's boots, and I switched legs. I swatted Sam when she attempted to slide her palm higher, under my skirt, and stepped a few feet back. Jack made sure I was paying attention, and then covered one of Sam's breasts with his large hand. He caressed her through her shirt.
I growled. A few days ago I couldn't have imagined touching Sam, and now I wasn't sure I wanted to share her. Jack smirked. He knew that whatever the outcome, he'd be getting punished later. Served him right, for wanting me on my knees in uniform. Dry-cleaning service blues is expensive.
Sam, squirming as Jack's fingers squeezed her nipple, hooted at me. "Take it off!"
Apparently I wasn't being quick enough stripping off all my clothes for my two lovers. I reached under the hem of my shirt, and worked my panties down to mid-thigh. A few shifts of position, and they slid the rest of the way down my legs without assistance, pooling at my feet. I'd had the presence of mind to wear red lace while seducing a woman in an Air Force bar. Figures that no one actually got to see me wearing them.
I met Sam's eyes as I reached for the hem of my shirt. She smiled cherubically as I tugged my shirt free of my skirt, and let the fabric hang. Then I reached behind myself and unzipped my skirt and let it slide. I stood before them in a sheer shirt that fell to mid-thigh. My pussy was covered, but my legs were bare all the way to the floor. I was gratified that I finally had Jack and Sam's attention. I watched their eyes scan my legs. More than gratified, really--turned on. I spread my legs slightly to keep my knees from buckling, and cool air rushed across my vulva. I nearly squeaked.
"Hurry," Sam said, leaning toward me, straining against Jack's hands. He wrapped one arm around her waist, and slid his hand under her shirt. I saw the fabric shift where he covered her breast. Hurrying just wasn't going to be possible. Moving at all was stretched my reserves.
I slid my arms inside my shirt and undid my bra. Sam frowned, watching me. She pushed her ass into Jack, who held onto her with difficulty while she squirmed.
"Why hurry, Sam?" I asked. "Is there something you want to see?"
She keened. I hadn't been aware human beings actually made that sound.
"Settle down," Jack said, pulling on Sam's hips. "She'll do what you want if you're good." A lesson he had learned well in our relationship. Sam sat still. I dropped my bra to the floor. He slid his arms up her sides, pushing her shirt up, until she lifted her arms so he could pull it over her head.
I bit my lip. He nuzzled her shoulder. "Front-clasp bra, Janet," he said sadly, as if he couldn't reach. I moved forward. The ends of my shirt brushed Jack's knee. I unhooked Sam's bra, carefully avoiding touching her breasts. When I'd freed it from her arms, she grasped the hem of my shirt. I stared at her breasts, small with hard nipples that strained toward me as she slid one hand under my shirt. She touched my inner thigh and I jumped. Then she slid her hand upward and found my wetness.
She grinned. I put my hands on her shoulders, holding myself up as she explored me. I felt her fingers stroking my folds, and then one dipped between my lips. I gasped. She frowned with concentration. I looked over the top of her head at Jack, who was watching us with guarded interest. I was pleased with his jealousy.
He sat up, curling against Sam's back, and kissed me as she fingered me. "She's going to make me come," I whispered against his lips, "And then you get to fuck her." Sam, pleased, pushed a finger inside me. I moaned. She cupped me, rubbing the heel of her hand against my mound, applying pressure to my clitoris, while her finger traced my entrance. Jack's lips moved to my neck.
"You're slippery," she observed, and it was the most erotic thing I'd ever heard. I reached between us and found her breast. Her hard nipple pressed into my palm. I squeezed her, spreading my fingers to explore the softness, and she responded by keening again, and intensifying her touches.
I spread my legs further. "There, Sam," I said as she brushed my clitoris. "Right there...gently..."
She fondled me, learning what I liked, responding to my words and my movements with eager, precise touches. I pushed against her fingers. I arched away from Jack and panted, closing my eyes.
"So wet," Sam said as she stroked me. "Colonel, you have no idea..."
But he did. I knew he was watching as I thrust my hips wantonly against another woman's hand. I heard the hitch in his breathing when I came, quivering, clutching at Sam. She gave a little sigh of satisfaction, and wrapped her free arm around my waist. I felt her nuzzle my belly. "Sam..." I said. But I didn't know what to say next.
"Maybe you should take off your shirt," she suggested. She withdrew her hand, and studied it for a moment before turning and offering it to Jack. He licked at her fingers. I pulled my blouse over my head.
Jack grabbed Sam's wrist. "Let's move to the bed." His tone was brusque, and I wondered if that's how he gave orders--"Let's blow up a sun. Let's attack those Jaffa. Let's have sex _on_ the bed, because my back hurts from this damned armchair." I moved to the far end of the bed to pull down the blankets. Sam's bed was immaculately-made. Jacob probably had her bouncing quarters as soon as she had the developmental dexterity to tuck in sheets. I grunted as I yanked down the comforter. Sam giggled, presumably at my ass.
I turned around. Jack pushed Sam forward and she stood. He clambered out of the chair behind her as she unzipped her jeans and pushed them off, along with her panties. I thought I deserved more ceremony, but then, I'd come and was a little more relaxed. Sam was about to get fucked by her commanding officer--she probably didn't care how pretty her underwear was.
Sam knelt on the bed. I piled pillows against the headboard and settled against them, and then beckoned Sam with the crook of my finger. Sam crawled toward me, but stopped when she reached my feet, and bent down to take the tip of my toe between her teeth. The touch sent tingles directly to my groin.
"Condoms?" Jack spoke from the edge of the bed. He'd shed his shirt and pants, and stood before me in burgundy silk boxers I'd bought him. His cock tented the front of the silk. I had to look over Sam's back to see him, and the juxtaposition of his body with her ass was more stimulating than I'd imagined.
He cleared his throat. Apparently that question had been directed at me. "In my purse, Jack." I pointed to a patch of floor by the bed. He knelt. Sam licked at the arch of my foot. He reappeared, sans boxers, and knelt on the bed behind Sam.
"How do you want it, Carter?" He said as he nuzzled the small of her back.
Sam closed her eyes. "Oh, God." She pulled away from me and rolled onto her back. She spread her legs. Jack unwrapped the condom and slid it onto his cock. He was fully erect, and held himself in one hand and pressed Sam's thigh with the other.
"What's she like?" I asked, a spectator, but fully enjoying what was on the stage.
Jack rubbed his penis through the blonde curls as the crux of her legs. Sam gasped. He must have found her clitoris. "She's paler--" Than you, he didn't add. "Pink. Wet." He pushed the tip of his cock into her. "So soft."
Sam moaned and reached for him. His slid into her. His chest brushed her breasts. She wrapped her arms around his neck and dug her nails into his shoulders. I wanted to lick the crescent marks that would be left in his skin.
I forgot my jealousy in the fascination of watching them move together. Their hips rolled in rhythm to each other. Sam's sounds--moans, gasps, cries of "Colonel" and then "Jack"--were timed to his thrusts. Through their entwined limbs I caught glimpses of his cock disappearing into her. I looked up from the urgent straining of Jack's hips to see the passion play across his face.
He was watching me intently. Our eyes met. I realized that this night hadn't been about Sam at all, tonight was about us--How much we trusted each other, how far we could go as partners. In making love to Sam, he was pleasuring me, and he knew it.
I smiled.
Jack grinned back. He turned his head to see Sam writhe under him.
"Janet," she said, as her arm flailed out to find me. I grasped her forearm. "Touch me," she begged. I slid my hand between their bodies, across her stomach, to her curls. Jack grunted. I knew he was close. I found Sam's clitoris. She was swollen under my fingers. I touched her as she had touched me, and looked at Jack again.
His face was flushed, and his breath stopped as he came. He spilled inside her, inside the condom, but inside Sam, all the same. I moaned, knowing I'd be having another orgasm that night, just from imagining.
Jack slid out of Sam, and collapsed at her side. He removed the condom and tossed it in the general vicinity of Sam's trash can, before pushing apart Sam's legs again and bending his head toward her. Sam whimpered, and then gasped as his tongue slid over her. I kissed her jaw, and then her lips, wanting her orgasm to come from both of us. She buried her fingers in my hair and kissed me back as she thrust herself at Jack's mouth.
Sam's whole body trembled when she came. She shuddered against us both, and then pulled away from my mouth to beg Jack to stop. He lifted his head and gave us a sloppy grin. Sam stretched. "Stay," she said, sighing softly. "Stay the night."
"Okay." I kissed her cheek. "Why?"
Sam grinned. Her eyes were still closed. "'Cause I'll be ready again in a half hour."
"Speak for yourself." Jack groaned.
"You can just watch. But there's too much to do to stop now. I haven't even tasted Janet's breasts yet," she said.
Jack covered his head with a pillow.
I laughed. "You haven't tasted his come yet, either."
A muffled, tortured squeak came from underneath Jack's pillow.
Sam licked her lips. "Maybe you should stay two nights."