Rysler's Law & Order Fiction

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Law and Order: Special Victims Unit

"Redemption Street" - When Casey asks Olivia to investigate something off the books, she unwittingly puts Olivia in danger. (Olivia/Casey)

"Sleeping Sun" - Casey learns about Olivia's past, and there is angst and comfort sex.

"Lion" - Olivia catches the case of a woman sexually harassed by her boss, and as Olivia grows closer with Casey Novak, casework complicates their burgeoning relationship. (Olivia/Casey)

"Nightfall" - Casey works to get her confidence back and Olivia offers her a private self-defense course. (Olivia/Casey)

"Coming, New York" - Lilly comes to town to have her way with Olivia. (Olivia Benson/Lilly Rush)

"Amicus Curiae" - Alex reveals that she's been receiving death threats. (Alex/Olivia)

"The Phone Rang" - Alex copes with her mother's illness. (Alex/Olivia)

"Dreams about Tunnels" - Fin and Munch go back to Munch's place at the end of a shift.

"A Sparrow When She's Broken" - Casey copes with her pain after "Night." (Casey/Stabler)


Law and Order: Criminal Intent

"Payoff" - "You know... Real detectives use magnifying glasses." (Alex Eames/Carolyn Barek)

"Logan's Street" - Mike Logan knows his place. (character-focused, male/male)


Law and Order: Trial by Jury

Trial by Jury stories have their own archive.

Crossovers can be found at the Cold Case archive and the Alex/Lorelai archive.

Looking for a story that used to be here? Try the index.

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