Rysler's Original Fiction

Little Disquietude

Leah Fisher, a not-yet-famous-at-30 actress from New York City, finally gets her big break in a small, avant-garde musical in North Carolina. There, amidst the other shows of the summer season, she meets Sophia Medina, a young, ambitious understudy. She soon finds that trying to balance lust and drama isn't easy, especially when the director, the leading man, and the universe all seem to be conspiring to ruin her.

The Riches of Mercy

North Carolina prosecutor Natalie Ivanovich just needs a weekend in Wilmington to clear her head. But when a deer crosses her path, she finds herself swerving and stranded in a small town hospital. Her nurse, Merry Jameison, is her only anchor, but Merry has problems of her own and she needs a good lawyer. Natalie might be facing the trial of her life.

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